Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Introducing Us :)

We’re not perfect, we’re not experts, we don’t try or aspire to be either!   We’re real moms who are learning, mostly through trial and error, as we go.  We LOVE being Moms, and love spending time with our kids, but we love spending time without our kids too – (insert GASP here!).  Hey, if you are like us, you feel the same way.  :)  As much as our kids won’t believe it, we’re more than just “moms” and for us, being good moms, means we don’t forget that.   

So who are we?  We’re Jennifer and Kelli.  We are neighbors that have become the best of friends - sharing lots of laughter, frustrations, many happy hours, and an immense love for our children as we dig through the trenches of pregnancy and parenting together.   What we’ve discovered is that our best resources have been each other, our friends & family, and the occasional stranger (because from the moment you get pregnant you can expect a lifetime of free advice from people you’ve never met).   This is how we found out the stuff we really needed to know, and the stuff we couldn’t find in most books.  Sure we found endless information on “what to expect” but we each had a hell of a time finding books that gave us the real truth (the good, the bad and the ugly) about pregnancy and raising kids.

So, we’ve decided to do something about it and we hope to help other moms just like us.   Go ahead, grab a cocktail (or if you’re pregnant a mocktail) and enjoy our blog!  ;)

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